It pays to keep a cell phone in your pocket. When Shane Burkett was up at the top of the Lighthouse a few days ago, working on the restoration of the lantern room, some movement out on the water caught his attention. He was able to capture this video of a pod of Orcas passing by. Thanks for sharing this video Shane!
Orcas (aka Killer Whales) can be seen relatively commonly off Sheringham Point. This is part of the core area for Southern Resident Killer Whales, and pods J, K and L can be seen as pass by. Also many of the transient pods frequent this area as well.
The Department of Fisheries and Oceans maintains a whale monitoring station at the Lighthouse, and through underwater hydrophones records the sounds of the whales as they pass by. As resources permit, we hope to be able to broadcast these recordings, in real time, through this website. Stay tuned.
Cool thanks for sharing. I have not been to the Lighthouse but plan to visit someday soon. Diane