The work of SPLPS – first to advocate for the protection of Sheringham Point Lighthouse, and then to take on the responsibility for the conservation and ongoing care of the site – has only been possible because of tremendous support and encouragement we have received from so many along the way.
While there are far too many to list them all, we do want to express our gratitude to our members, volunteers and donors, as well as to our community and professional partners. Without their ongoing support, we simply would not be able to function as a Society, or to achieve any of our conservation objectives.
The dedication and generosity we have witnessed from so many has been inspiring. It helps turn the challenges into opportunities and the work into fun. We are grateful to everyone who has helped.
...and some special recognition:
- TO THE T’SOU-KE FIRST NATION — for welcoming us to their traditional territory, and working with us to tell our stories;
- TO OUR FUNDERS — for their remarkable support. In particular, we want to thank:
- Peter and Brigitte Westaway (Westaway Charitable Foundation) without whom the restoration project simply would not have been possible;
- Dr. Marvin Caruthers, whose support (especially early in the life of the Society) provided a foundation upon which we could build;
- Parks Canada (National Cost Sharing Program for Historic Places), Province of British Columbia (Community Gaming Grants), Island Coastal Economic Trust and the Capital Regional District, whose grants and support funding have enabled us to complete the restoration work and create a community park;
- TO OUR LOCAL POLITICAL REPRESENTATIVES — at all levels of government, for their ongoing support and guidance. In particular we want to thank Mike Hicks (CRD Director), Senators Pat Carney (ret.) and Pat Bovey, Premier John Horgan and MP Randall Garrison, who have all taken a special interest in the Lighthouse and our conservation work;
- TO THE STAFF OF DFO AND THE CANADIAN COAST GUARD — for their help and guidance as we took over operations of the site, and for their ongoing support as we move forward;
- TO OUR RESTORATION CONTRACTORS — for their expertise. skills and sound advice in helping to complete the restoration of the Lighthouse and associated structures. In particular we want to thank Ian Fawcett (project manager and heritage consultant) whose leadership and diligence steered the project to success;
- TO OUR SITE CREW — for being there every day, rain or shine, to open and close the site, to make sure it is clean and safe and welcoming for all visitors. In particular we want to thank Dominique Bernadet (site manager) whose energy and dedication pulls it all together;
- TO OUR BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND BOARD OF ADVISORS — (both current and former) for their leadership, courage and wise counsel in making the entire Lighthouse preservation project such a success. In particular, we want to recognize and thank Michael Galizio, (Director Emeritus) who served as the Society’s President for the first 17 years of its existence and was instrumental in creating the spirit and determination that underpins all we do.
In Memoriam...
Audrey Sullivan Wilson
Remembering Audrey Sullivan Wilson, a Sheringham Point Lighthouse lightkeeper family member. Click here for details: AUDREY SULLIVAN WILSON
Doris P. Thomas
In memory of Doris Thomas, a founding member of the Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society, and Director Emeritus (in memoriam). Click here for details: DORIS THOMAS