X For Media Outlets



Materials included on this page are made available for media outlets to use in their coverage of Sheringham Point Lighthouse and SPLPS.

Please note:  due to the number of large media files on this page, it may take a little time to load – please be patient.



News Release

Please view and/or download the news release here:  SPLPS Westaway NR_April3_2017

Please view and/or download the backgrounder here:  SPLPS Backgrounder 1 FINAL

Still Images

Images on this page are low resolution.  For higher resolution images, you can download by clicking here.

Other images our available in our  Photo Gallery (most are low resolution).  All images included in the Photo Gallery are available for download ONLY for the purposes of reporting on or promoting Sheringham Point Lighthouse.


B-Roll Video Clips

B Roll clips here (Scroll down – 9 clips) are located on You Tube.  You can download from YouTube (with a downloader), or from our web server by clicking here.




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